
Blog for #FridayArtwithJ9 series

Happy Inktober!

Inktober is in full swing and as you know I've been trying to keep up with the month-long challenge of creating with ink every single day of October!  

In case you don't know what Inktober is: it was an art initiative started by Jake Parker (http://mrjakeparker.com/inktober) that calls artists to challenge themselves every day for the month of October to create art under the following rules:

  1. Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want).
  2. Post it online
  3. Hashtag it with #inktober and #inktober2017
  4. Repeat

To kick off the inspiration, there are also prompts for each day:


The intention of the initiative is to encourage improvement and growth in this particular art-form.  For me, it's definitely working, as the prompts alone are jogging my imagination to create in a theme.  In fact, I got over-enthusiastic on a couple of the days and drew several illustrations within a day!  But it has also brought the artist community together - just this week, I had gained close to 100 followers and have started to follow nearly 200 because we have found common ground in our various forms and have shared pro-tips and trade secrets amongst each other.  Because I have always seen drawing and sketching as the basis of my work, it has been an incredibly encouraging experience thus far.  I know that the rest of my styles and work will benefit from this, since I draw EVERYTHING - from sketching out paintings to drawing out plans for my models.  I'm really looking forward to the rest of the month and what my imagination will conjure up for the upcoming prompts!

Here are a few a few of my favorites in my portfolio so far:

"Swift", Day #1

"Swift", Day #1

"Poison", Day #3

"Poison", Day #3

"Long", Day #5

"Long", Day #5

"Sword", Day #6

"Sword", Day #6

"Sword II" Day #6 - a bookmark I created for my son because he said he needed one :) 

"Sword II" Day #6 - a bookmark I created for my son because he said he needed one :) 

Enjoy creating!

Janine Mazzuca