The Under-Appreciated World of Hotel Art
For today's #FridayArtWithJ9, I want to put a spotlight on an area that everyday folks tend to overlook - the art collections at hotels.
Have you ever been to a hotel, and actually stood in front of a piece of art - whether it's a print, a gilcee reproduction, or an original piece - either in your room or in the lobby? Chances are that you didn't even notice it, as it just becomes part of the ambient decor...some abstract thing to fill up space and give a splash of color on an otherwise boring wall.
But a hotel is a treasure trove of art! A collection of pieces available for admiration during your stay! For some higher-end hotels, they will actually feature originals from artists in the area who have sold them their pieces.
During my recent business trip to Mountain View, CA for my Google day-gig, I stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel in Palo Alto, and as I stood in various places of the hotel, waiting in line for something (whether it was at the front desk or for the elevator), I noticed that the walls and spaces had absolutely STUNNING pieces of art!! I was so pleasantly surprised by how awesome the styles were, ranging from mixed media to abstract pieces and poetry. It was so awesome!
Here are a few of the pieces that caught my eye. I actually made sure to wait for the next elevator so I could admire more of these fine pieces of work.
So the next time you're at a hotel, just take a moment and check out the scenery - look at the random pieces of art in your room, as if you're in a museum. You'll never know - you might be staring at a masterpiece :)
Enjoy creating!